

The Guardian fearlessly stands guard in front of our chair swing.
The Guardian

The Guardian is the protector and mascot of Hanszen College. After a Beer Bike Week jack in which the Hanszen swing was stolen, a Hanszenite welded the metal knight to forever guard the swing. So today in the Hanszen quad stands The Guardian – fiercly defending all things Hanszen.

Hanszen Family Heart

Hanszen Family Heart is our term for the special connection we have with each other. It's being there for your fellow Hanszenites, whether it's supporting each other at games and concerts or picking each other up when we're down. It's always looking out for each other; always having each others' backs. It's giving back to those in need, through our Service committees or other ventures in our community. It's the caring that makes us a true family.

Honey Badger

The honey badger is Hanszen's secondary mascot. They are well-known for their strength, tenacity, and toughness, and represent how we strive to face adversity head-on.


Crane Day

Started on February 15, 2001, Crane Day is one of the newer traditions around Hanszen. During the construction of new Wiess, one of the cranes became unstable and perilously loomed over Hanszen New Section. All of the students immediately evacuated, but rather than going to class, they brought out a keg and decided to throw a party. Hanszenites uphold this tradition with an all-day celebration.

Hanszen Halloween

In recent years, Hanszen has been known to give off spooky yet playful vibes, which we have embraced. We have also been known to throw killer Halloween parties.

Float the Keg

Every semester, Hanszen sets aside money to fund your most extravagant ideas in a bracket-style tournament called Float the Keg. As the name implies, a keg is purchased and placed in the Upper Commons (for those of age, of course), while during the last Cabinet before Fall Exams, Hanszenites gather and decide which ideas to bring to life. Float the Keg has funded tings like a trampoline, a feast of cake pops, a Roman-style spa, a ginormous cheese wheel, and even camel rides for the whole college.

Hanszen's Finest Hotties (previously known as Mr. Hanszen)

Every year, Hanszen's Service Committee holds a talent show, with the winner being crowned Hanszen's Finest Hottie! The 2022 winner is Joselyn Lwigale, who will competed in Rice's Finest this upcoming Spring. Previous acts have included karate sequences, TikTok dances, a swimsuit contest, an opera performance, stand-up comedy, and many more impressive acts. All of the proceeds go towards Camp Kesem, a national organization that works to support children of parents suffering from cancer through a free sleepaway summer camp.

Hanszen On Ice

During the holiday season, Hanszenites take over the ice skating rink at the Houston Galleria. We skate around and take tons of pictures, including spelling out HFH on the ice with the entire college!

And more...

There is simply not enough room on this website to describe all of our awesome events Hanszen throws every year! Hanszen also does events like Galveston trips, light saber battles, Deathball (commons dodgeball), concerts, and college nights.

Hanszen also loves funding new events, and these can be created by anyone! Hanszen's Cabinet sets aside money from our budget to form the HFH General Fund, so any Hanszenite with an event idea can use this money to throw study breaks and events for the college.

Hanszenites in Galveston, 2018
Hanszen Shepherd Soiree, 2022
Smores is a classic study break at Hanszen
Mr. Hanszen 2021 candidates
Hanszenites in their yearly siege of the Galleria's ice skating rink
Hanszen Diwali, 2022
More Photos on Hanszen History Page »

Jacks and Rivalries

As great as Hanszen is, everything has its drawbacks. Hanszen's is its eyesore of a neighbor, Wiess College. To begin, they can't even spell their own name right (it's Weiss!). Their building looks like a prison, their cult-like traditions are simply weird, and their mustard-looking color, which they wrongly identify as Goldenrod, is vomit-inducing.

Our rivalry with Wiess extends to our cheers, jacks, and even college sports. For example, since Wiess's mascot is the pig, each year when we play Wiess at Powderpuff, we devour a full roasted pig and bacon on the sidelines as we cheer on our women. While our rivalry is (mostly) facetious, conside yourself lucky to be a member of the objectively better college of the two. Below are some of the ways we like to celebrate our rivalry:


During O-Week and Beer Bike Week, benevolent Hanszen liberates Wiessmen from the prison that is their own existance with a jack we call Jailbreak. Late at night, we blast Hanson's "Mmmbop" in the Wiess quad and loudly knock on all their doors while they futilely attempt to retaliate with water balloons.

Weiss Wall

On a normal day, Wiessmen reach the academic quad by crossing through the Hanszen quad through a passageway near the Hanszen Commons. During Beer Bike Week, Hanszen prevents Wiessmen from trespassing onto our property by erecting a wall in this passageway so that they have to take a much longer route to class. Then, we sit in the commons and watch confused Wiessmen try to get by, sometimes getting splashed in the face by an automatic sprinkler or pelted by fruit lobbed over the wall. During Weiss Wall 2021, an UberEats deliverer was on his way to Hanszen when he was nearly trampled by savage Wiessmen attacking our sturdy wall.