Chief Justice
Hey everyone! My name is Laura Yee, and I am the Chief Justice (CJ) of Hanszen College. In my role as CJ, I lead Hanszen's court, oversee the general wellbeing and safety of the college, as well as organize elections, room draw, and parking draw. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns! I am here for you!
It's not a job I can do alone, though, so I have a team of Associate Justices (AJs) that help me out. Together, we form the Justice League! As the Justice League, we form the Hanszen's Court as well as having other duties. We are your point of contact for private events, noise complaints, housing, intra-Hanszen disciplinary matters, etc.
The Justice League is composed of an elected Chief Justice (CJ) and multiple Associate Justices (AJs). Of these, four are elected Class Justices, and the rest are appointed Building Justices. Check the Members tab for our emails, and don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns!
On a normal day, the Justice League works to make Hanszen a place where everyone is comfortable. The primary way they do this is through private event registration and noise complaints. Private events are registered with the CJ, as it is important that they know what's going on around Hanszen and so that they can respond to matters appropriately. The CJ also works with Student Judicial Programs to shape the Rice Alcohol Policy and how the administration handles parties. Keep an eye out on your Rice email for news - the CJ is a listserv regular.
Hanszen's official quiet hours are Midnight to 6:00 AM on weekdays, and 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM on weekends. This is so that people are not making lots of noise late at night and disturbing neighbors from sleeping. We also have a system of noise complaints, which is basically that any Hanszenite can contact one of us and we will try to see that the conflict is resolved. During quiet hours, noise complaints are to be taken more seriously than those outside of quiet hours. If you feel comfortable, you should always try to have them quiet down first before you contact us, but we can step in if needed.
Most cabinet members are elected in February and serve for a year starting in March. The Justice League and the Parliamentarians run these elections. For more information, see the Election Code.
The Justice League also decides housing and parking in the spring for the following academic year. For more information, come talk to us or check out the Bylaws (pages 7-14 for Room Draw, page 15 for Parking Draw).
Occasionally, rules are broken and property is destroyed. Instead of elevating these issues to the Rice administration or even the H-Team, we have a system for dealing with problems ourselves. We're strong supporters of self-governance, and this is a softer way to learn from mistakes. If a College Court case is opened, the accused can choose either a closed or open hearing, with the Hanszen College Judicial Code governing the proceedings. The Justice League can dole our fines and community service hours, depending on the infraction.
If there is an emergency or another situation that needs immediate attention, first call RUPD/REMS (713-348-6000) as appropriate.
Chief Justice
Senior Class
Junior Class
Sophomore Class
New Student
Associate Justices
Register your private events with the Chief Justice at least 1 day in advance. This is mandatory for all gatherings with more than 5 people or if alcohol is present.
Confidential: Only the Justice League can see the responses.
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