Welcome to LegO-Week!

Hey New Hanszenites!

Congratulations and welcome to Rice University and Hanszen College! We are beyond excited for you to join the wonderful Hanszen community. We are your 2024 O-Week Coordinators: Mateo Gonzales, Angela An, and Ethan Nava, also known as Team MAstEr Builders! We have been diligently and excitedly planning a memorable and fantastic first week at Rice and we cannot wait to meet you all when you arrive on campus!

Our main goal is to support you as you transition into Rice, and encourage you in building connections within Hanszen, the greater Rice community, and beyond the hedges! During Orientation Week, also known as O-Week, we will be introducing you to a preview into your next four years while also immersing you into Hanszen culture! O-Week is all about meeting and making new friends, building up a community, learning how to balance academics and social life at Rice, and so much more! The O-Week book acts as a guide for you so that you can feel prepared coming into O-Week. You will find suggested packing lists, Hanszen dorm layouts, a sneak peak into your Advisors, Hanszen fun facts, and any other detail you may need to know about your Residential College (the best may we add)!

We are ecstatic to welcome you into the world of Hanszen, where unlimited possibilities exist for you to build your new home! The Hanszen Family Heart (HFH) is continuously growing through the incredible creativity and ambition of all incoming Hanszenites, and we cannot wait to see how you help build this everchanging community. This year’s O-Week theme is LegO-Week! We chose this theme as there are so many unique, individual pieces that make up the Lego multiverse, whether it be characters, structures, or even movies. This reflects the values of the Hanszen Family Heart, including diversity, inclusivity, and friendship. We hope we can give you the support and resources you may need this O-Week to thrive at Rice and Hanszen, helping you create a beautiful experience!

Your Rice and college journey may be similar to a Lego hero’s journey, where there may be unpredictable moments requiring help from your own creativity and imagination, and even your friends! But don’t fret! In the wise words of Emmet from The Lego Movie: “You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special.” We cannot wait to welcome you home in August, and in the meantime, flip through the O-Week book, check out the Hanzen website (hanszen.rice.edu), follow us on Instagram (@legoweek2024), and email us if you have any questions at all (legoweek2024@gmail.com). See y’all soon <3

With a big Hanszen heart and hug,

Team MAstEr Builders

(Mateo Gonzales, Angela An, Ethan Nava)

Hanszen O-Week coordinators!